Habitat Assessment

  • To understand what types and amounts of habitat are available to sturgeon in the SRSMB area an assessment of habitat was conducted in June of 2000 from Bigstone Rapids near Cumberland House in Saskatchewan, downstream to the confluence of the Summerberry River in Manitoba (see map).
  • Depth, water velocity , and bottom composition were recorded, as well as information on habitat use wherever sturgeon could be captured. Based on bottom type the river can be divided into four reaches:
    1. Bigstone Rapids to 10 km downstream, approximately at Cumberland House – relatively fast water, shallow, with a variety of bottom types; contains suitable spawning habitat at Bigstone Rapids.
    2. Cumberland House to Big Bend (85 km) – slower, deeper, mostly sand; perhaps good juvenile rearing habitat.
    3. Big Bend to The Pas (25 km) – slower, silt and mud; perhaps good foraging habitat for adults.
    4. The Pas to Summerberry River (37 km) – more diverse bottom and velocities; perhaps good foraging habitat for all life stages.
  • 2000 Habitat Inventory - NSC 4239 Sask Rv. Habitat Inv. 2000

Saskatchewan River Larger Map